A Lamp in the Darkness

To build bridges between the young and older generations and ignite a passion for love, service, and training in a rapidly changing culture through a biblically-centered, authentic, and faithful community.

Message from our Pastor

Definition of 'PEACE' - absence of war, conflict, or stress - wholeness and contentment - no fear or anxiety. Peace also refers to calmness internally and externally in our home, community, and nation. Peace can bring unity, cooperation, and contentment in relationships. Romans 12:18 'Do all you can to live in peace with everyone.' Proverbs 17:1 'Better a dry crust eaten in peace than a house filled with feasting and conflict.' As God created this universe, He saw everything GOOD. But you and I made it the opposite. Let us strive to maintain the goodness of God's creation. The simple application is to get out of our selfishness and treat others as better than us. There are greater qualities in the other person than you and I. Honor and respect them; then, we can live in peace.

Have a blessed day!

— Dr. Roy Cheriyan

Special Announcement:

Introducing our new Lead Pastor:

Pastor Jimmy and Reena Thomas!

Coming Fall 2024

Malayalam Sunday Service

10 am - 11:30 am

English Sunday Service

11:30 am - 1:00 pm

Our Pastor

“We are very excited to welcome you to join our church family. Our mission here at International Assembly of God Church is to ignite a passion for love, service, and training alongside a biblically centered community. As a part of our community, you will experience a spirit filled worship, life changing message and a new perspective on your relationship with God. We know this is just the beginning of your journey here and we are excited to see you grow."